After house sitting our days here at Loggerhead Marina have became routine. Oliver and I need to drop a few pounds, so we walk at least 2-3 miles a day, split up for him and the heat yet. I try to exercise more depending on how far he goes. Then we may run errands, go to the beach, swim, knit (me), or do a boat chores ( more Dale). The 2 washing machines were usually free, the bathrooms and captain's lounge hardly used. Then the marina population doubled with the influx of Canadians last week.
October 14 was the Canadian Thanksgiving, so they put together quite a feast. We were one of the few Americans invited. The food is the same as our Thanksgiving, the traditions pretty much the same without football and their landing was in Nova Scotia. It was a wonderful time and after our Thanksgiving at anchor in the Supalo River alone last year, it was nice to celebrate with others. ( Pictures below)
Speaking of party, the Canadians have this mastered, on a daily basis from what I can tell. I thought sailors loved happy hour! Well we do not hold a candle. They are all friendly and love life.
Unfortunately a couple more little dogs arrived also. We had 4 others we had to avoid, but they were always on a leash. I have named the game "dodge dog". Oliver has been tormented by small dogs all his life. He was first bit when he was a puppy. Luckily he isn't a fighter because at his size he could do damage. Just the past couple of years has he learned to growl. Anyway, he has been attacked by these 2 two nights in a row. The last one occurred as we walked off our boat and the dogs launched themselves down the dock at Oliver , off leash, and bit his leg. They were yipping and nipping at him until the owner who was sitting with friends having a sundowner wine got up and grabbed them. I was blocking with my foot and Oliver, the gentle giant tried to hide behind me. No real damage, but Dale came charging off the boat and Oliver and I have more gray hair. Oliver also stepped on my foot so I have a bruise from the big lug trying to save himself. Another sailor, walking her nice little dog, witnessed the whole thing in horror. I spoke to management today, but the boss is gone, so next week we will see. For now we avoid the "little killers". Last night Ollie saw them coming and quickly scooted up his ramp onto the boat. He then proceeded to act tough on the bow barking at them. He is pretty bright knowing they couldn't get him.
I have found a Presbyterian Church here I like. Very traditional, the minister has a sense of humor and the people are friendly. The Cherub choir sang last Sunday as did 4 middle schoolers that were great. The Chancel Choir is maybe 5-6 men and 13-15 women. I feel young compared to the majority of them if you know what I mean. They do a variety of music and use organ and piano.
Also, a woman I met that lives here took me to the Grand Harbor Beach Club. We chatted in the beach chairs, walked the beach, and had a delicious lunch. It was a nice day at beautiful facilities. The pool is amazing.
We are hoping to cross over to the Bahamas in November . I have inventoried all our provisions and have been supplementing as things are pretty expensive over there. Dale has been readying the boat and ordering spare parts. Now just pray Oliver stays healthy. He needs to get a Health Certificate to go with his import permit when Dale checks us in to Customs. We will keep you posted.
another beautiful sunset |
Oct 1 for Breast Cancer Awareness |
Oliver looking for his cat friend. Cat stays up there and hisses. |
Walking the boardwalk, saw dolphins yesterday |
Hanging under his favorite palm tree. |
My vacation church |
Grand Harbor Beach Club |
more Beach Club, see how the other half live? |
Canadian Thanksgiving |
New Canadian friends |
my Ode to Halloween |
Love to all!