Thursday, July 26, 2012

Continuation to Lake Erie

I am connected again, so will finish our journey. We went down the Detroit River, sometimes with sails up and then down, then up depending on the winds and interference from islands and buildings. I did see Ford Field between buildings. Go Lions! The Renaissance Center still looks lovely. Oliver seemed to check it out then sit a spell.

The Ambassador bridge was next up. It is so weird to go under semi trucks. After this point, it becomes industrial for quite a while until you get closer to Lake Erie. It also gets a bit smelly in some parts.

Crossed into Lake Erie much more quickly than we thought with the current helping us along. We had a nice sail and then the winds picked up and the waves increased. The last hour and a half were not a good time. The life jackets went on and we held on to reach Put In Bay, South Bass Island, Ohio at 4:30. We thought of grabbing a mooring ball, but then we would have to try to get Oliver to shore through the waves. So, we called the state docks, no answer on radio or phone, called another marina, no answer. Finally we saw an empty dock and pulled in with the help of 2 guys that had just done the same thing. The harbor master came right up and we got the slip for the night. It is quite a tourist destination for those in Ohio. That night we walked into town and Oliver got tons of attention aster such a rough day. Here is our marina and the view of the Perry Memorial tower from our boat. I guess during the War of 1812, Perry said about the British, "put them in the bay" and hence the city got the name.

The weather was expected to get worse the next couple of days> Becasue of "Christmas in July" in Put in Bay we would have to leave, so we found a slip on Middle Bass Island until tomorrow, Friday. It is very protected and has lots of grass and fields for Oliver to enjoy without bouncing around. There is not much here but a restaurant/bar, some beaches that do not allow dogs and a ferry to Put in Bay. They used to have a winery built in the 1870's, but darn, it closed years ago.They also have a wonderful laundry facilities, so we have been catching up on that. Tomorrow we leave for Vermillion. Waves 1-3 we hope.

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