Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hopefully tomorrow we will have the mast taken down and be on our way down the Erie Canal. We rented a car and did some shopping, haircuts, grooming for Oliver and site seeing. Buffalo is the 2nd largest city in New York. It has about 260,000 people, so it is not real huge. They have a great zoo, art galleries and restaurants. Saturday we went to see the Darwin D Martin estate designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

There are many old churches with outstanding architecture.

This is where Teddy Roosevelt took the oath of office after President McKinley was shot.

As you can see it was cool and dreary this weekend. Sunday we drove up to Niagara Falls. Thank goodness for an IPAD with GPS or we would be hopelessly lost.
Here is our day.

Canadian Horseshoe Falls

American Falls and we got someone to take a picture of us. Oliver was not cooperating. He loved the sound of the falls and water rushing by us.


  1. You 3 look great! Even Oliver's tail - love reading about your BIG adventure. So proud of you! Keep posting... Melissa

  2. We miss you but we are glad that you are having so many adventures. This blog was a great idea!
