Sunday, August 19, 2012

Unstepping the mast

The first picture was taken by Dale when he had climbed up the mast to get our antenna and instruments down.

Here are the pictures of the crane being attached, the mast coming off the deck and the mast put on sawhorses for us to wrap and ready for it to be put on the frames on the boat.

It was a hot humid day and Oliver finally found some shade under one of the worker's trucks.

That night we got the mast ready to be put back on the boat. What a job! We had to move one set of spreaders so we could put the dodger and bimini back up and wrap and mark all stays and tension wires, etc.  Tuesday morning they put it back on the boat in the frames and we secured it.

We were ready to go.

WE followed the Niagara River to get diesel and a pumpout before we turned off to the Erie Canal. This is the sign at the turn into the canal.

Since we had a busy day, we spent the first night at Tonawanda at Gateway Park. We were treated to new sights and a concert (first band good, second, not so much) on the north bank.

More Canal to come when I have patience for crazy computer connections.


  1. Ollie looks like a lab with his new cut! The photo from the mast made me ill just looking at it! I have new respect for Dale!

  2. Loving your story, Patti! You're such a historian/teacher. :-) Choir starts next Wednesday. Maybe I'll see you in Sarasota...sound like you're meeting new friends from there. Debb
